Cormo USA Can Improve Your Mushrooms

Cormo USA Can Improve Your Mushrooms

Food production in America requires a lot of peat moss for starting seedlings and soil blending. America currently imports over 95% of peat moss from Canada. Among the industries that are heavily affected by a shortage peat moss is the mushroom industry.Did you know...

Representing CORMO USA at the Rush County Fair

Representing CORMO USA at the Rush County Fair

When we assist sustainable companies to gain a foothold and expand to make a difference in the world, it touches a lot of lives personally. At SPGX, we are committed to our focus on solving megatrends in sustainability. During the week of June 23rd to 28th, 2019,...

SPGX Attends the 104th Indianapolis 500

SPGX Attends the 104th Indianapolis 500

When forming relationships and bringing new businesses into the community, many exciting and entertaining opportunities also arise. SPGX had the privilege to attend the Indianapolis 500 on behalf of our portfolio company, Cormo USA.Cormo USA Inc is in the process of...

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